About our Structural Engineering Services

DSC_0512_cropped2Founded in February of 2015 by Steven J. Neff, PE, Structurally Framed, Inc. (SFI) was started to provide Structural Engineering Services throughout Colorado that include investigation, design and repair. These services are typically used by property owners, property managers, contractors, lawyers, insurance agencies, and architects. Whether you are in need of a structural assessment of an existing condition, a structural due diligence, direction for structural repair, structural modifications or structural design, SFI can help.

SFI’s Structural Engineering experience extends over 25 years with investigation, design and repair work. This includes a wide range of residential and commercial structures requiring a large variety of structural systems and materials such as wood, timber, masonry, light gauge steel, steel, concrete, and post-tensioned concrete. SFI’s extensive design experience is further enriched with over seven years of investigative work experience which includes structural failures, structural condition assessments, structural repairs and expert witness forensic work for construction defect litigations. To learn more about SFI’s background and experience, click here.

Contact us today and see how Structurally Framed, Inc. can help you with your structural needs!